Artist: Willy Bo Richardson
Title: Flow 1
Year: 2019
Medium: 9-color lithograph
Size: 22x30
Paper type: Off-White Rives BFK
Willy Bo Richardson Lithograph
This print is a 9-color lithograph printed from one stone and 4 aluminum plates. The artist made each layer as an abstract expressionist drawing, and then these layeres were combined in different combinations and colors until an orientation was approved by the artist. Many trial proofs were made to arrive at the finished piece. Willy is a painter and this was his first collaboration with a printer to produce original works in lithography. The print for sale is the "BAT" which is a printmaking term abbreviated from the french "Bon a Tirer" which means "Good to Pull". It is the final approved print by the artist in which the edition is matched to and is a special and unique impression.