Contract Printing Services
We offer contract printing services to artists of all levels. You will have the undivided attention of Tamarind Master Printer, Perry Obee, working one-on-one to produce original works of fine art printmaking.
No experience in printmaking is necessary. Perry's job is to make the process as fluid and effortless for the artist as possible. All the artist has to bring to the table is a desire to discover what printmaking can offer. Perry has experience collaborating with artists from all backgrounds and artistic sensibilities, will guide the artist through the process, and provide them with the tools they need to reach their artistic goals.
Monotype and introductory day sessions are welcome.​

Types of Contract Printing Services
Edition Printing
Many artists contract us to produce limited editions of fine art prints. A typical edition size is around 20-30, but we can do smaller or larger edition sizes as well. Our shop usually produces work that is 22”x30” or smaller (a standard sheet of printmaking paper), however larger projects are also possible.
Monotype and Monoprint
Not all artists are interested in an edition of multiples. We can create unique one-of-a-kind prints in one-day sessions (monotype); or explore mediums through trial and error to produce a body of work that is highly developed and professional but has no intention of being editioned.
We offer collaboration in these techniques, but can also incorporate other special techniques such as chine-collie, letterpress, book-making, and even sculptural works:
- Lithography
Intaglio (etching, drypoint, aquatint)
Relief (woodcut, linocut)
Pricing is based on the size and scope of each project. If you are interested in learning more about contract printing contact us below with an idea of the project you have in mind and we can send you our pricing sheet and start the conversation!

Why make prints?
Think differently about image making
The most important reason for any artist to make work in the mediums of printmaking is to think differently about how an image is constructed. Printmaking requires you to think backwards (literally), to think graphically (flat shapes), and to think about process in an entirely different way from any other medium. A Master Printer helps guide the artist, no matter their style or level of knowledge of printmaking, through this process of discovery and leads them to their best work.
“Just the process of printmaking allows you to do—not allows you to do things but makes your mind work in a different way than, say, painting with a brush does… And in that way printmaking has affected my painting a lot.”
-Jasper Johns
Reach more people
Historically, printmaking is a more affordable and attainable way for collectors to buy your work, which means you can reach a wider audience of collectors. Many collectors begin by collecting original prints by an artist which lead to sales of larger works later on. Furthermore, work produced in editions of multiples (each an original work) can exist in many different collections at the same time, so your work can be all over the world.​

Let's Work Together
The collaborative process excites and energizes us, and we can't wait to help you solve your artistic problems through the mediums of printmaking.
Use the form below to contact me about a printmaking project and let's start the conversation!
Contact us to request information about contract printing or request our pricing plan